John R.
Thrown Under the Bus is the only book I have read about workplace harassment in the public sector and it's unbelievable what Teresa Zirerilli-Edelglass endured for years in her quest for justice. In my opinion she suffered emotional violence as she details mind numbing brutality just for pursing her career. No one should have to endure this kind of treatment at the hands of any employer. This is a must read and it should be a text book in both high school and college, its that riveting. It will make you mad, sad but most of all informed about employers who don't play nice and have no soul. Although Teresa was thrown under the bus, she didn't let it run her over. In the end she's the winner. It's a great read, well written and kudos to her for having the courage to expose a corrupt situation that she had to endure for years. Buy it now, you won't be disappointed.