About the Author

Teresa Zerilli-Edelglass
Contributor @ Practical Politicking 


Born and raised in Staten Island, New York, author Teresa Zerilli-Edelglass, grew up the eldest of 3 children in a lower-middle class, Italian-American family during the feminist revolution era. Teresa was a very enterprising little urchin, always trying something new and wanting to achieve success in everything she tried. She is said to have been a bright child with a promising future; a typical American girl with high hopes for achieving the American Dream. At 14, her parents’ divorce enforced her perspective that self-sufficiency was, above all, of the utmost importance. She set her sights on higher education and a successful career, venturing off on her own at 18 to attend college at night while working the full time grind dabbling in everything from Main Street to Wall Street.

In 1989, Ms. Teresa Zerilli-Edelglass earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from St. John’s University and, in 1992, an Executive Masters in Public Administration from Bernard Baruch College in New York City. In 1988, the opportunity presented itself for her to switch gears from the private sector, one she enthusiastically embraced. Believing her transition to be a noble one, she quickly became a woman on a mission: to be a bureaucrat with real purpose, refusing to be just another government pencil-pusher. In no time, she joined the ranks of management, knowing that all of her hard work had finally paid off, that is, until everything suddenly went up in smoke thereby giving rise to the birth of “Thrown Under The Bus”.

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A book that begs the question: Is the American Dream ours for the taking – or can it just be taken away?

THROWN UNDER THE BUS: THE RISE AND FALL OF AN AMERICAN WORKER is the compelling, frank, often heart-wrenching account of one woman’s courageous stand against workplace harassment—a nineteen-year odyssey that all but consumed her life as it nearly drove her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

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