

I read this book in a night and a morning and could not put it down. This is a book that no-one can afford to ignore as this story is unlike anything you would have heard before. Ms Zerilli-Edelglas endured what most of us are too terrified to contemplate - she had become a bully's target in her place of work! Her hard work and diligence, which had such a promising start, were repaid by vengeful and enforced isolation, bullying and mobbing. She became the office whipping boy and endured unspeakable emotional cruelty and humiliation. When she complained she found herself fighting for her job and her bosses (USA Government beaurocrats) wanted her out. As much as this story typifies the bullying process, it is set apart by the magnitude and brutality of her ordeal and a nearly two decade legal dispute. When the author seeks remedy and help from doctors, lawyers and others empowered to do so, she is met instead by obstruction, duplicity and "double think". The authors voice throughout is mature, insightful and sincere, she is an excellent writer and inspiring communicator and handles the subject matter extremely well. I hope that this is not the last of her work as I believe that she has much more to add to this topic. This is a book truly worthy of being made into a movie!